About Us

The 7290 Traffic Net is an independent, public service traffic net operating on or about 7290 kHz, and has been in continuous operation since 1953, handling formal written traffic, informal messages and operating extended sessions during emergencies or special needs. All Amateur Radio Stations licensed to operate on this frequency are welcome to check in with or without traffic and are not required to take traffic in order to participate.


The 7290 Traffic Net collects no dues and all stations that can legally operate on 7290 are welcome to join us. All we ask, if you would like to be added to the published roster on this site, is that you join us as often as you can, two or three times a week if possible. This allows our Net Controls to get to know you and to what areas you can handle traffic. We also ask that you abide by our procedures. There are stations from all over joining us. We have members that can take out of area traffic to CW and NTS nets if need be but try to get traffic as close as possible to the traffic's destination to give everyone the opportunity of handling traffic.

We hope you will join us whenever you can, if you don't have traffic that's fine, we would like to hear you.

Jo Ann Keith KA5AZK
7290 Traffic Net Manager

Net Hours

Monday - Saturday
10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Monday - Friday
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
(Central Times)

No Nets on Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years day

2024 - 2025 Net Officers

Manager     KA5AZK     Jo Ann Keith     contact

Treas.          W5IM         Jim Bomer        contact

Sec.              N5MSE      Alan Walraven  contact

Chaplain     KG5UVU    Craig  Stuke

Welcome from the Manager

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the wonderful people on the 7290 Traffic Net to welcome you to the net and the web page. The 7290 Traffic Net has been in continuous operation for over sixty years and as the name implies we are here to handle traffic to any location it’s legal to send it to. We also operate extra sessions during emergencies when needed, to help any way we can. But we are really more than just a traffic net. Our members become friends and family. For all of you that are new hams or just new to the net please let us know if there is anything we can assist you with or questions we can answer. I hope you enjoy looking around on this web site at all the information and links . The Net also has a once a year get-together where we have good fellowship and good food. Consider this your own personal invitation to attend. I hope that you will check in with us and feel free to contact me anytime for any questions or comments.

73, Jo Ann Keith KA5AZK Net Manager

7290 Net Controls

Mon AM
Tues AM
Wed AM
Thur AM
Fri AM
Jo Ann
Sat AM
No Net

7290 Alternate Net Controls

WA5SEC Wayne

Net News

2025 7290 Traffic Net Picnic

The 2025 Picnic will be held on October 18 at the SPJST Lodge Building in Byeresville TX near Taylor TX.  More details will be published the closer to the date.

New Website

The new website is now available and is complete  including pictures from the 2024 Net picnic.  We appreciate everyone's patience while  we learned a new website editor.

Our old website editor became obsolete and website became so large that we knew it  would  take us forever to transfer the old website to a new one, so had to find someone to do the transfer for us. We are still learning the new way of  editing but the 2024 Picnic pictures are finally on our site.  Let me know if you find mistakes.  Thanks to the folks at QTH.com  for their help and patience with us.

73, Jo Ann KA5AZK Net Mgr.

Silent Keys
Jim Jones W5FEA On-Air Memorial may be heard on this link. His obituary is now on the obit page.

New Hams Help
To help new Hams learn the jargon unique to Ham Radio, a list of links has been added to the Link page.

Logo Patches & Window Decals Available
The 7290 Traffic Net patches are now available. The cost and the selling price is $2.00 each. Details along with a picture of the actual patch can be seen here. NEW - also available now are window decals for car in the same design as the patches. The cost for the decals is 2 for $1.00. Click the here above for more info.

On the air Traffic Training Continues
The response to the on the air training has been good so it will continue until further notice. The training will be held on the first Wednesday and the following Saturday of each month. At 9:30 and 12 noon Wednesdays and on Saturdays 12:00 noon until complete. The training material that will be followed is available on this site under training.