Summary of the 41st Annual 7290 Traffic Net Picnic
May 14, 2011
At The
107 HWY 71 W
2011 Picnic Program (pdf)
The 41st annual 7290 Traffic Net picnic was held on May 14, 2011 at the Riverbend Park in Smithville, TX. It was dedicated this year to Mike LeFan WA5EQQ for his service since 1965 as Net Control. We were surprised with a podium made by Rodney W5DY complete with our Net name on the front.
Because of a problem with Nancy’s Steakhouse the Friday night dinner was held at the Cedar’s Mediterranean Grill in Bastrop. We had a private room that made it easier and much more fun for the 23 people in attendance. We surprised Lucky KA5SUR with a big piece of chocolate cake with a candle for his birthday. We all sang happy birthday to him. Everyone seemed to be pleased with the food. We had a surprising conclusion to the evening with our complete check being picked up by someone, we never found out who. Everyone at the dinner is very appreciative of this most generous gift.
Saturday turned out to be a beautiful cool day. We started the day at 8 AM with coffee and donuts. The Saturday Net was called from the park as usual at 10 AM by the Saturday net control AD5EF. He reported over 100 checkins not including those in attendance. We had a very classy station set up this year thanks to Ron AE5VY. Ron and Bob K5HUT monitored 2 meters for us also to help anyone that might have needed directions. The ladies left about 10 AM for a shopping trip to Bastrop lead by Aris Young KB5RXS, they reported a good time.
Our speakers began at 12 noon with our meeting. Invited Nets were the Texas Traffic Net Sharon KC8EO Manager, Texas CW Traffic Net Steve K6JT Manager and Rodney W5DY Asst Manager, Texas Slow Net Pat KD5TXD Manager, Daytime Texas Traffic Net KD5OTH Manager and Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net Robert KG5YK Manager. KD5OTH, KG5YK and Steve K6JT were unable to attend. Rodney W5DY filled in for K6JT.
League Officials invited were West Gulf Division Manager David K5RAV, all three Section Managers and all three Section Traffic Managers. David was unable to attend due to some surgery but the Assistant Manager John Stratton N5AUS was there and spoke to us. Other officials in attendance and speaking were Lee W5LHC S TX Section Manager and Rodney W5DY S TX Traffic Manager.
The Whitney Nugget was presented this year to Tom W5UFO for his service to the Net. He was very surprised. The Pfeiffer Pfist Award was presented to Jay N5PWG by Rodney W5DY from the Texas CW Traffic Net. The list of Silent Keys was read and a prayer was said by Ray N5NAV. The group picture was taken again this year by Norman AD5EF.
A delicious dinner of BBQ and sausage was served again this year by the Meyer’s Elgin Smokehouse from Elgin Tx. We ordered 75 plates this year so there was plenty of food for everyone. The desert table was running over with all kinds of good deserts brought by the net members to follow up a good meal. Gary K5QOW said our prayer before dinner. Tom W5UFO made 10 gallons of his world famous ice cream and we ate almost all of it.
We had fun with the door prizes that everyone brought. Since there were so many things brought, almost everyone got something.
New this year, Tim K5TGS called the Texas Traffic Net from the park and he reported a good turn out. Tim used his portable station that he brought in a backpack. Sharon KC8EO Texas Traffic Net Manager and I decided to make this an annual event.
We will be needing a new site for the picnic next year, the Riverbend Park has gone up on their rental fee from the $75 a day that we have been paying to $300 for residents and $400 for nonresidents. Needless to say that will be very hard for us. Luckily we made our reservations last year so got the old rate this year. If anyone has any suggestions please contact me for a list of requirements. We would like to make it more central so that everyone has a chance to attend but are open to any suggestions that are affordable.
I hope that everyone had as good a time as I did, it was good to see everyone again.
I would like to thank the following members for all their help:
- George K5BMR Whitney Nugget Chairman
- Bill W5ZH Net Election Chairman
- Tom W5UFO Ice Cream
- Norman AD5EF Group Picture
- Aris KB5RXS Carpool to Bastrop
- Bob K5HUT 2 Meter Talk in
- Ron AE5VY 2 Meter Talk in and his equipment for calling the Net
- Rodney W5DY The Net’s new podium
- Gary K5QOW PA system and the prayer
- Ray N5NAV Reading of Silent Keys
- Jean Feeney Refreshment table
- All those that helped with the set up and take down of the tables and chairs
- All those that brought door prizes and deserts
- All those that attended the Picnic
- The Smithville ARC for the use of their repeater
73, Jo Ann KA5AZK
Net Manager