
The updated history, complete with the first history done by Bea Winnett K5BNH, pictures, newspaper clippings, obituaries, silent key list and Whitney Nugget recipient list, is now available for download.

A CD is also available by contacting KA5AZK.

NOTE: The file is 11.6 MB.

The History in Brief

The 7290 Traffic Net began in the early fifties with a group of MARS operators, who were also licensed amateurs, who came to the amateur frequency of 7290 to pass non military traffic. They were first known as the Yankee Traffic Net and the first manager was Hubert Perry W5ZIN in 1957. The first record keeping started in 1959 with EC Tinsley W5SMK as manager.

The first 7290 Picnic was held at Lake Whitney State Park near Hillsboro on April 24, 1971 and the first Whitney Nugget was presented to Lee Ulrey K5HZR in 1976. The picnic has been held annually at various parks including Kerrville, Lake Somerville, Rusk State Park, Bellville and Smithville to name a few, with the Whitney Nugget awarded each year to a deserving net member.

The net history was first compiled and kept current by Bea Winnett K5BNH up to 1987 and has continued to be updated through the present by other net members. Bea served as Net Secretary in 1967, 1968 and 1980-1986.