39th Annual 7290 Traffic Net Picnic May 9, 2009
Riverbend Park Smithville, Texas
Slide Show Courtesy of Herb WB5PHM
Thanks to AD5EF, W5GKH, WB5PHM, KA5CRL, for their photos
7290 Traffic Net Whitney Nugget presented to
Joe K8KP by Jo Ann KA5AZK Net Manager
Dr. David K5RAV, ARRL W Gulf Division Director, presenting Assistant Director Certificate to JW W5AYX
Reading of Silent Keys
Ray N5NAV, S TX Section Mgr.
Garland K5VY and Lou WA5LOU
Carroll KB5TCH and Lou WA5LOU
Chuck N5ZAS and Lou WA5LOU
Pfeiffer Pfist Award
presented to Pat KD5TXD
Texas CW Traffic Net
Bert AC5Z
Charlie W5GKH
Chuck AA5J
Rodney W5DY Asst Mgr
Chuck AA5J Manager
Texas CW Slow Net
Tom W5UFO and his world famous
ice cream machine
Lucky KA5SUR and James N5OUJ
Sarah KD5VTU and Nathan KC5DEF
JW W5AYX, George NC5G and Nan N5ICH
Calling the 7290 Traffic Net by AD5EF
John W5BWC Herb WB5PHM
Alton KT4KL and Lou WA5LOU
Web AA5NZ and Scott KT5SR
Mike KG5TL and Herb WB5PHM
Herb WB5PHM, John W5BWC and Norman AD5EF