This page is for the 7290 Traffic Net members who would like to contrubute an article or story of general Amateur Radio interest.


 The following net members have reported to sick call.

If you know of anyone else that should be added please let us know.

In Nursing Home
Heat Stroke






2023 Totals 

 Check Ins      48,379

Traffic              3,573
September 2024

     Check Ins     3581

Traffic          228


Special Sesson
Hurricane Harvey

Check Ins     2534

Trrafic               30
See Net Reports for complete details.
From the National Weather Service
Total Solar Eclispe April 8, 2024

A total solar eclispe path is presented in this power point presentation. Prepared by Aaron Davis, a NWS meteorologist from the Shreveport Office.

  To All,  

I recently had the opportunity to sing the praises of the Texas Amateur Radio community in an article for the TDEM online EM Magazine. They were able to glean info from support during Harvey as well as recent events during Summerfest.  

I want to thank you all again for the support you and your groups have given Texas and the nation.  The link below is to the article on the TDEM website.

Thanks again for all you do for Texas.
Kevin Lemon KD5KL
Technical Operations Specialist / SRO  
Texas Division of Emergency Managemen  
Texas Homeland Security  
Welcome to the new check ins and welcome back to those that have not checked in for awhile.  

Many thanks to our Net Secretary,  Alan N5MSE, for his work in putting this list together and to our Net controls for their help.

September list

September 2024 New Check Ins


2023 Total New Check Ins


Medallion presented to the Net for our participation in the
Hurricane Harvey disaster in 2017.

Presented to the Net by Steve KG5VK NTX Section Manager on behalf of John N5AUS West Gulf Division Director ARRL at the 2023 7290 Traffic Net Picnic.

Once again 7290 was there when needed. 


I had the distinguished honor of personally meeting Hubert Perry, W5ZIN (SK) one day here in Brenham. I had been checking into the 7290 Traffic Net many times when Hubert was the Net Control Station. But, due to my employment with a local law enforcement agency and working primarily the night shift (by request), it wasn’t often possible to devote more time in my off-duty schedule then I had hoped to. Some days I was still at work (held over), and others I already was fast asleep. 
I owe a great deal of thanks and gratitude to Hubert, and the 7290 Traffic Net on one faithful Tuesday morning, back on 07-APRIL-1992 when Brenham / Washington County became Ground Zero for a gas / pipeline salt-dome explosion. If it were not for the 7290 Traffic Net with Hubert at the helm relaying vital emergency radio traffic between the Brenham Amateur Radio Club’s 2-meter repeaters and the 7290 Traffic Net, events that day could have turned out very differently. This was a very different time in history prior to the internet information networks we have in place today. Hams knew to tune into the 7290 Traffic Net to locate and assist in emergencies. 


I spoke to a staff member who was an amateur radio operator located at the UTMB Hospital in Galveston who told me that immediately following the explosion, which was also felt in Galveston, and according to the Hospital’s emergency protocols, they immediately launched their air medical helicopters into service. Still needing a location of the explosion, it was the hospital staff member who signed on to the Hospital’s Emergency Ham Radio Station, and tuned to and checked-into the 7290 HF Traffic Net to obtain location information. This is how we (Brenham / Washington County) received immediate assistance from several Air Medical Helicopters so quickly that morning. 
David R. Nowak
ARS: K I 5 J I
Brenham, Texas
Washington County 

Net Member, Franz K3FL, received
recognization from ARRL and Harris Co TX for his 1,000 exam session as a 
Volunteer Examiner

Reprinted from QST with permission of ARRL


Shack Pictures

We would like to collect pictures of the net members shacks for the Photo page.  If you would like yours included please send digital image file or printed photo to Jo Ann KA5AZK.


If you are in the Dallas area and are interest in taking part in CERT training, please contact John KF5IOU for information.  Also follows links to forms that will be needed.


Release form


Congratulations to Johnie Perry  who received his father's call sign, W5ZIN, and then upgraded to General at the Austin Sumerfest on August 15


146.88 NETS  

The DARC would like to invite everyone with the capabilities of  accessing the Dallas repeater to join them on their various nets,  one of which is the VETNET, as John explains below.  

“The Net has been on for more than a year and has active military members, vets, supporters of our VETS, etc. ....we even had a checkin from an active duty soldier in the Middle East the last few nets via Echolink. It's really popular and great even for mobile stations in and around the  Metroplex !
John Hazelton, Sr  KF5IOU  
Thanks to KE5ZCM for providing the digital info cards attached.  

Sample QSL card   List of nets  DARC Web site


Solar Activity Web Site
Check out this site for the latest information on solar activity. 

Newspaper Article

Our  Net Secretary, Alan N5MSE, was recently interviewed by the Bowie Newspaper about his Ham Radio hobby and his involvment in the local Ham Club.   Congratulations Alan.  You may read the article here.

A few month's ago I received a request via email from a Ham in Yellowknife, Canada for a recording of our net in operation for them to use as training for their  ARES group they were starting.   They saw our web site and contacted me. 

I recorded George K5BMR (he's always loud at this QTH) opening the net and taking checkins.

This is the letter we received thanking us for helping them.


Net Manager
Newspaper Article

The Hamilton Newspaper recently published an article about Bill KC5DFV and his service in WW II.  You may read the article here.

The Bryan Amateur Radio Club presented Hubert W5ZIN, of Caldwell, Texas, a Special Service Award for his services as Net Control of the local 2 Meter Net and in recognition of being one of the clubs original members who has promoted  Amateur Radio in the Bryan area.

Our thanks to Dale WA5GVE for sending this info and picture.

August 9, 2008

Garland K5VY President of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club and 7290 Traffic Net Member
Hubert W5ZIN of Caldwell Texas
Cotton WO5R recently sent us a copy of a letter dated  1965 showing how our Net was helpful getting help to people.  You may see the .jpg letter by clicking here.   Or a Word Document may be viewed here.

The Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross presented JR Aaron, K5SUB a special award for his many years of service to them.

An Amateur radio operator will be honored each year with an award to be called the "J R Aaron K5SUB Award". Each year a ham's name and call that does outstanding emcomm service will be added to a plaque. This plaque will hang in the main meeting room of the RC.

W5ZIN Honored

An on the air presentation was made to Hubert Perry W5ZIN July 20 electing him Honorary Lifetime Manager of the 7290 Traffic Net.  After over 50 years of service to the net, Hubert is having to resign as Assistant Net Manager due to family commitments.   In a small token of our thanks and appreciation for all he has done, the net presents him with this Honorary position and plaque. The plaque reads as follows:


A Grateful Membership
of the
7290 Traffic Net
of Caldwell, Texas
to the Lifetime Position of
In Recognition of
Founding the 7290 Traffic Net
Over 50 Years of
Selfless Service and Dedication
to the Net
Hubert W5ZIN Manager Plaque
From:  Mike Manshack AD5OG  
Public Information Officer for Orange Co.  
Assistant Emergency Coordinator Orange Co.  
Assistant Public Information Coordinator  
District 2,5, and 9  


At 1:15PM, To update the situation at the Coast Guard EOC, In response to the Oil Spill, District 9 ARES radio operators are still assisting with the logging aircraft and personnel who are involved with different agencies.    

The Incident Commander, Rich Russell, was quoted as saying "Comms are Great" with the help of the Ham Radio Operators and "Hams needs to be incorporated in entire program". Tootie Heintschel (KC5HVT) ,the EC forJefferson Co. was pleased to hear that information. The District 9 ARES operators will remain on site at the EOC and the Jefferson Co. Airport as needed directed by Mike Rentel with the Gallagher Group Marine Systems.    

This will be the sixth day work with the Coast Guard and other agencies involved with the clean project. Tootie (KC5HVT) said all is going well with volunteer radio operator. As of today the ARES group has logged in 209 man hours. Rich Russell said that they will use the Hams until the situation is under control.    

Some of the Hams that had a chance to ride in the helicopters to help with comms were Kirt Mahaney (N5WKM), Doug Thomas (N5BST), and Ray Farley (WA5DQW).    

© 2007 - 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 7290 Traffic Net   
- The Offical Web Site.  
Created for the members and maintained by the elected officers.
7290 Traffic Net

Celebrating 71 Years of Continuous Operation



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